Approval and Submission of Proposals
California State University Dominguez Hills maintains an institutional commitment to basic and applied research, the dissemination of research results, and to creative activity in the visual and performing arts. Members of the faculty and staff implement this commitment through the creation of new knowledge, the development of innovative teaching techniques, and the generation of programs responsive to student and community needs. Much of this activity is facilitated by funding from external agencies.
Those preparing external funding proposals should familiarize themselves with the procedures and policies involved. Abiding by the regulations in place will assist in the generation of successful proposals that enhance the scholarly life of the campus community and lead to improvements in the educational process.
Funding agencies place the legal responsibility for awards with the institution; therefore, it is the policy of the University that no proposal, regardless of the office or division preparing it or the amount requested, shall be submitted without the full endorsement of appropriate representatives of the University. Before any proposal is forwarded to a funding agency, whether public or private, it must be reviewed and approved for consistency and compliance with college, institutional, state, and federal policies. These approvals are recorded on the CSUDH Proposal Approval Form known as the “green sheet.”
Regulations pertaining to the development and submission of proposals are explained in detail in the Research and Funded Projects Handbook, which is available at: Handbook.pdf
All Revision & Review Approved Dates
Origination Policy Code AARP001.001 renamed to AA 2006-09 in 2014.
Attachments and Links
Research and Funded Projects Handbook (visit area website for details)
Approved Signatures
Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: 04/10/2006
Area Manager/Owner
Approved: Graduate Studies and Research
Date: N/A
Older Version Approval Signatures
Approved: N/A
Date: N/A