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In CHHSN, the Work Based Learning program will assist students with hands on experience and career development in health-related fields.
The college of Health, Human Services & Nursing Work-Based Learning Program will enhance our students learning experiences effectively and efficiently to help them develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and work habits to move successfully into the world of work.
The goal of the Toro Health Pathways Internship Program in the CHHSN is to provide students with work-based learning opportunities through strong employer partnerships in the Los Angeles region. Academic programs in CHHSN consider field experience an educational component that helps students gain practical entry into their chosen professional program. Students will have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of a variety of health fields so that they can make better informed decisions about their career pathway.
Students who meet the following criteria are ideal candidates for the Health Pathways Internship Program:
The Toro Health Pathways Fellowship Program provides funding opportunities for CHHSN students to explore career pathways through advanced health and primary care professional development with special focus on increasing knowledge and interest in health careers that impact community health. Open to post-undergraduate students. The fellowship is a one-year program aimed at enhancing diversity in the health workforce.
Students who meet the following criteria are ideal candidates for the Toro Health Pathways Fellowship Program:
For more information about Work Based Learning Program, contact Karla Castillo, Program Director,