HR Campus Communications


Please check back and make sure to review the information for any updates.

  • August 19, 2024- HR Welcomes You to the 2024-2025 Academic Year

    Hello Toros and welcome to the new academic year!

    The office of Human Resources would like to share with you the following information to help you get off to a good start.     

    Employee ID Cards

    The employee ID not only identifies your employment status on campus, but it allows employees to checkout books from the University Library and obtain discounts at the University Bookstore. To obtain an ID card, feel free to visit the office of Human Resources Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm, located in Welch Hall 340; where an HR representative will take your picture and issue your ID card. 

    Don’t have time to visit in person?  You may also complete the Request for Photo Identification Form and submit an appropriate photo to request that your ID card be mailed to you or to pick it up in person.

    Employee Parking

    To obtain an employee parking permit, the office of Human Resources must first verify your employment status.  Please complete the Request to Issue a Parking Permit Form.  An HR representative will email you an authorization form which must be presented at the Cashier’s Office window to purchase a parking permit or to establish a payroll deduction.  To identify the amount of your first payment please see the Parking Fee Table.   Please note that payment in the form of cash, check, or money order is required at the Cashier’s window (WH 270), once the Request to Issue a Parking Permit form has been provided. 

    COVID Protocols:

    As a reminder of the current campus protocols, known cases and close contacts should be reported by either scanning the QR code located on campus signage at building entrances or by visiting the Toros Together reporting page. In the event of either reporting a positive case or close contact, please visit the same page and follow the  flowchart. Masking is not currently required on campus, except as noted on flowchart on the reporting page.

    Emergency Contact Updates:

    It is important and helpful to provide the university with the name of at least one individual to contact in the event of an emergency.  To add or update your emergency contact, login to MyCSUDH Portal, select the Employees Tab, select My Personal Info, select Maintain Personal Information, and select Change emergency contacts.

    Preferred Name Change:

    Employment records require the use of your legal name as it appears on your Social Security Card. However, CSU Dominguez Hills recognizes that some employees may wish to use a preferred first name other than their legal name to identify themselves. The university acknowledges that a preferred first name can and should be used where possible in the course of university-related purposes when an individual’s legal name is not otherwise required.  Preferred name will reflect in systems such as Microsoft Outlook, CSU Learning training system, and employee self-service pages on myCSUDH.  Your legal name will be used where it is required by university business or legal need such as:

    • Enrollment verification
    • Transcripts
    • Diplomas
    • Financial aid and scholarships documents
    • Payroll and other financial matters
    • Any legal document produced by the university
    • Federal and state reporting

    Address Updates:

    To update, login to MyCSUDH Portal, select the Employees Tab, select Maintain Personal Information, and select Preferred Name (Update).

    Verify that your address is current. Having your most current address on file is important because it can impact your benefits through the California Public Retirement System (CalPERS), as well as the timely delivery of your tax information such as W2s and 1095 statements. Details about your annual health care coverage statements (1095B, 1095C) can be found on the CALHR website. Please take a moment to verify that your address is current through the Self-Service Portal. If you have an address change, there are two ways to update your information:

    1. Login to MyCSUDH Portal, select the Employees Tab, select My Personal Info, and select Maintain Personal Information or
    2. Complete the Employee Action Request (EAR) Form and submit the completed form to the Payroll Secure Dropbox.

    Other Self-Service Portal Features:

    • Maintain your personal information, such as; addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information.
    • Review your current benefit elections.
    • View your pay checks.
    • View your compensation history.
    • Report and view time via Absence Management.

    For more information on how to update your personal information, please see the Self-Service for Employees Quick Reference Guide.

    Benefits Services

    Open enrollment is just around the corner. The annual benefits open enrollment period for CSU employees is from September 16, 2024 – October 11, 2024. During the open enrollment period, eligible employees may enroll in or change health or dental plans; add or remove spouse, domestic partner or eligible dependents to/from health and/or dental plan, etc. The Benefits Office will be hosting an in-person Open Enrollment Benefits Fair at the Sculpture Garden on Friday September 20, 2024 at 12:00pm-2:00pm. Benefit vendors will be on site to provide information and assist employees. Enrollment forms and supplemental material will be available. Stay tuned for additional information.  

    Public Service Loan Forgiveness Forms (PSLF):

    If you have a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Form (PSLF) that needs to be certified, please submit your form to the Benefits Services secure Dropbox.   Due to the influx of forms, please allow 5-7 business days for the form to be returned to you.  As a reminder, these forms must not be emailed given they contain your social security number.

    Employee Assistance Program

    LifeMatters is a free employee assistance program (EAP) offered to California State University, Dominguez Hills. Eligible employees and any members of their household, including dependents living away from home, have 24-hour access to confidential services that support emotional well-being, safety, and productivity in the workplace.

    For more information, please visit the Life Matters Website, Employee Code: contact HRM at (310) 243-3771 to obtain code. You can also contact Life Matters 24/7 at 1-800-367-7474.

    Payroll Services

    Cal Employee Connect (CEC) is the State Controller’s Office secure self-service portal available to California State University Employees.  CEC allows employees to view, print, and electronically save their own Form W-2s, leave balances, direct-deposit earnings statements, and more. If you are not already enrolled in Direct Deposit, you may now enroll through the CEC Portal. Please review the Guide to enroll in Direct Deposit Program in CEC or the Registration Instructions- Cal Employee Connect if you are a first-time user.

    Check Handlers:

    Did you know each department/college has a designated check handler? Check handlers are responsible for picking up live checks from the Cashier’s Office on pay day. If you are not on direct deposit and are looking for your paycheck, please contact your division HR Liaison or Academic Resource Manager (ARM) who can direct you to your unit’s designated check handler.


    View important calendar information such as payday,  payroll processing, payroll schedule, campus holidays and the academic calendar.

      Workers’ Compensation Program:

      The Workers' Compensation program is available to employees and volunteers who are injured or become ill as result of performing their work assignment. Please remember employees and volunteers must:

      • Report all work incidents directly to their department manager.
      • Contact Human Resources to:
        • Report the incident
        • Obtain information to assist with seeking appropriate benefits to help manage the effects of the work incident (such as medical treatment and time away from work).

      For more information please visit the Workers' Compensation program website.

      ADA Accommodations Program:

      CSU Dominguez Hills is committed to providing a supportive work environment. To ensure equal access and opportunity, CSUDH shall provide reasonable accommodations to employees and applicants with disabilities.

      For more information please visit the ADA Accommodation Services website.

      CSU Family and Medical Leave:

      The Family Medical Leave (FML) grants up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period to eligible employees. FML may be used for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of an employee’s child. It may also be used while an employee is off work because of a serious illness, or to care for a seriously ill family member. Employees seeking to use CSU FML leave are required to provide a 30-day advance notice of the need to take CSU FML leave when the need is foreseeable and such notice is practicable (unless the collective bargaining agreement states otherwise) to their Appropriate Administrator and Benefits Services.

      For more information, please visit the Leaves of Absence website.

      Career Opportunities:

      Dominguez Hills is hiring!  Please visit our Career Opportunities website to see our available job postings, feel free to share with a friend who may be interested in joining the Toro Nation.    



    Please check back and make sure to review the information for any updates.

    • November 17, 2023 - Year End Reminders

      Hello Toros!

      As we are nearing the end of the calendar year, the office of Human Resources would like to share with you the following important reminders.

      Address Updates:

      Verify that your address is current. Having your most current address on file is important because it can impact your benefits through the California Public Retirement System (CalPERS), as well as the timely delivery of your tax information such as W2s and 1095 statements. Details about your annual health care coverage statements (1095B, 1095C) can be found on the CALHR website. Please take a moment to verify that your address is current through the Self-Service Portal. If you have an address change, there are two ways to update your information:

      1. Login to MyCSUDH Portal, select the Employees Tab, select My Personal Info, and select Maintain Personal Information or
      2. Complete the Employee Action Request (EAR) Form and submit the completed form to the Payroll Secure Dropbox.

      Note: In order for your W-2 to be mailed to the correct address, the address change must be completed by December 8, 2023.

      Preferred Name Change

      Employment records require the use of your legal name as it appears on your Social Security Card. However, CSU Dominguez Hills recognizes that some employees may wish to use a preferred first name other than their legal name to identify themselves. The university acknowledges that a preferred first name can and should be used where possible in the course of university business and education. To update, login to MyCSUDH Portal, select the Employees Tab, and select Preferred Name (Update).

      Self-Service Options for Employees

      Through the Self-Service Portal, you will be able to:

      • Maintain your personal information, such as; addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information.
      • Review your current benefit elections.
      • View your pay checks.
      • Report and view time via Absence Management

      Why is updating my emergency contact information so important? It is helpful if you provide the University with the name of at least one individual to contact in the event of an emergency.

      For more information on how to update your personal information, please see the Self-Service for Employees Quick Reference Guide.

      Beneficiary Designation

      In case of a lifechanging event, be sure to have your Beneficiary Designation on file. This designates a person(s), trust, estate, or corporation to receive your state warrants in the event of your passing. To update or add your Beneficiary Designation, please complete the Designation of Person(s) Authorized to Receive Warrants std.243 Form and submit your form to the Payroll Secure Dropbox.

      Payroll Services

      Effective November 1, 2023, the process to enroll in the Direct Deposit Program changed. If you are not already enrolled in Direct Deposit, you must enroll through the State Controller’s Office secure portal, Cal Employee Connect (CEC). To enroll or make changes to Direct Deposit, employees must be connected to the campus network before logging into CEC. Accessing CEC outside of the campus network will have “view only” function. Those who have never accessed CEC are considered a first-time user, therefore CEC registration is required. Please review the Registration Instructions- Cal Employee Connect if you are a first-time user. You will also need a paystub available before registering. To enroll or make changes to Direct Deposit in CEC:

      • Login to CEC Portal
        • Enable MFA
      • Click Employee Services
      • Click Direct Deposit
      • Complete Direct Deposit Request → Submit
      • The campus Payroll Services office will receive a CEC confirmation that the Direct Deposit Request has been submitted.

      Note: If you wish to cancel your direct deposit, you must use the Direct Deposit Form or contact our Payroll Office immediately by calling (310) 243-3769 or e-mail

      Other Cal Employee Connect (CEC) features

      Through the CEC Portal, state employees will be able to view, print, and electronically save their own:

      • W2 from the last four years
      • Direct-deposit earnings statements
      • Download your paystubs, view Year-to-date, and more

      CEC Frequently Asked questions are also available on the CEC website.

      If you have any questions about your direct deposit, feel free to contact Payroll Services at or (310) 243-3769.

    • November 9, 2023 - Reminder Regarding Excess Vacation

      Hello Fellow Toros,

      The purpose of this notification is to encourage employees and their Appropriate Administrators to review vacation balances to prevent overages and potential forfeiture of excess vacation balances. The California State University (CSU) has established maximum vacation accruals based on systemwide policies and Collective Bargaining Agreements. Balances over those limits, as of January 1 of each year, shall be forfeited by the employee if leave credits are not used by December 31, 2023. A chart detailing the maximum limits is outlined below.

      Bargaining Unit

      Maximum (less than 10 years)

      Maximum (more than 10 years)




      R06, E99



      R02, R03*, R04, R05, R07, R08, R09



      C99, M80






      * After one (1) full year of employment, a faculty unit (R03) employee who accrues vacation (12-month appointments) shall take at least forty (40) hours of vacation each calendar year. Any part of the forty (40) hours not taken during the calendar year shall be forfeited as of January 1st of the subsequent year (Article 34.7).

      We encourage all employees to view their vacation balance, and to make plans to be sure they will not exceed the maximum limits. Employees who may exceed the maximum limit should take action now and coordinate with their Appropriate Administrators to schedule vacation time before December 31st, in order to avoid forfeiting those credits. On an exception basis only, employees may request to carryover vacation balances to the following calendar year. Requests for such exceptions must be submitted using the Excess Vacation Carry-Over Request form. The request must include an explanation regarding the need to carry forward the excess vacation hours, as well as a plan on how the excess vacation will be used.

      Employees and their Appropriate Administrators may view their balances online in the Absence Management system available through the self-service portal myCSUDH. For more information on how to access Absence Management, please see the Absence Management Employee Guide.

      Questions concerning vacation balances can be directed to CSUDH Payroll Services at or (310) 243-3769.

    • October 27, 2023 - Process Change - Direct Deposit Paper STD. 699 Change Effective November 1, 2023

      Dear Toros,

      We are excited to announce a change on the way you sign up for direct deposit or change the banking institution you selected for direct deposit. Effective November 1, 2023, the State Controller’s Office (SCO) will no longer be accepting the hardcopy STD.699 Direct Deposit Enrollment Authorization forms for processing. Enrollment or changes to Direct Deposit will only be accepted through the SCO’s secure portal Cal Employee Connect (CEC). To enroll or make changes to Direct Deposit, employees must be connected to the campus network before logging into CEC. Accessing CEC outside of the campus network will have “view only” function. Those who have never accessed CEC are considered a first-time user, therefore CEC registration is required. Please review the Registration Instructions- Cal Employee Connect if you are a first-time user.

      To enroll or make changes to Direct Deposit in CEC:

      • Login to CEC Portal
        • Enable MFA
      • Click Employee Services
      • Click Direct Deposit
      • Complete Direct Deposit Request → Submit
      • The campus Payroll Services office will receive a CEC confirmation that the Direct Deposit Request has been submitted.

      Note: If you wish to cancel your direct deposit, you must use the Direct Deposit Form or contact our Payroll Office immediately by calling (310) 243-3769 or e-mail

      Other Cal Employee Connect (CEC) features

      Through the CEC Portal, state employees will be able to view, print, and electronically save their own:

      • W2 from the last four years
      • Direct-deposit earnings statements
      • Download your paystubs, view Year-to-date, and more

      CEC Frequently Asked questions are also available on the CEC website.

      If you have any questions about your direct deposit, feel free to contact Payroll Services at or (310) 243-3769.

    • October 6, 2023 - Faculty Pay Resources

      Please take a moment to review the resources below regarding pay calendars, accessing compensation history, check handlers, and other important details.

      Pay Calendars:

      Faculty employees are appointed for a semester, an academic year, or a 12-month basis. How faculty are appointed determines your pay schedule. Faculty appointed on a semester or academic year basis can view the Academic Pay Calendar. Faculty appointed on a 12-month basis can view the Payroll Calendar.

      View additional important calendar information such as payday and campus holidays on HRM’s Calendars website.

      Self-Service - Employee Compensation History

      Through the Self-Service portal, you will be able to view your compensation history for active positions. The Compensation History page will provide you with an “action/reason” for a change in your employment.

      1. Login to the MyCSUDH Portal, click Sign-In
      2. In the Authentication page, enter your campus username and password. Click Sign-in.
      3. In the top menu bar, click on the Employees tab.
      4. In the left navigation, select the My Payroll /Benefits link.
      5. Click on Compensation History to gain access to your compensation history.

      For more information, please see the Self-Service for Employee Compensation History Quick Reference Guide.

      College Academic Resource Managers (ARM):

      The Academic Resource Manager (ARM) is responsible for developing, monitoring, planning, and scheduling all fiscal and human resources affairs for the college. If you have questions about an expected payment, please contact your Academic Resource Manager (ARM) for assistance on a status update.

      The ARM for each college is available below:


      Academic Resource Manager

      College of Arts & Humanities

      Gwendolyne Taylor, ARM for CAH

      College of Business Administration & Public Policy

      Kavoos Blourtchi, ARM for CBAPP

      College of Education

      Lauren Ansorge, ARM for COE

      *College of Continuing and Professional Education

      Deidre Fisher, Payroll Tech for CCPE

      College of Health, Human Services, & Nursing

      Grace Torres, ARM for CHHSN

      College of Natural & Behavioral Sciences

      Staci Freeman, ARM for CNBS

      University Library

      Alisa Banks

      **Central Academic Affairs

      Claudia M. Orozco, Division Budget Officer & HR Liaison for AA

      *Alternate contact as there is no dedicated Academic Resource Manager.

      **For faculty payments that are not within a college, please contact Central Academic Affairs.

      Cal Employee Connect (CEC):

      If you are not already enrolled in Direct Deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit Enrollment Form and submit it to the Payroll Services Secure Dropbox.

      To access copies of your paychecks, enroll in Cal Employee Connect (CEC):

      • The secure portal Cal Employee Connect allows state employees to view, print, and electronically save their own W2, direct-deposit earnings statements, and more. To register, you will need:

        • One of your recent paystubs, issued within the last six months. If you have any past stub statements, you can use any paper and electronic pay stub dated February 2023 current to register.
        • Visit Cal Employee Connect to complete this simple process.
        • Department: CSU, Dominguez Hills
        • Use Agency Code: 231
        • Warrant Number: Refer to your paystub must be an 8-digit number, please include a dash after the second digit (e.g. 00-00000)
        • If you are having problems or you do not have any pay stubs please contact your payroll technician and they will be able to further assist you with the information you need.
        • Total deductions: $XXX.XX (Gross Pay – Net Pay)

      If you have questions about a payment you have already received, feel free to contact Payroll Services at or 310-243-3769.

      Check Handlers:

      Did you know each college has a designated check handler? Check handlers are responsible for picking up live checks from the Cashier’s Office on pay day. If you are not on direct deposit and are looking for your paycheck, please contact your Academic Resource Manager who can direct you to the college’s designated check handler.

    • September 1, 2023 - Faculty Pay Cycle

      Hello Faculty,

      The Payroll Services department hopes you are having a great start to the academic year!

      We have received a few calls from faculty with inquiries about their August paycheck; therefore, we hope the information below will be helpful.

      Q: Why is my paycheck different this month compared to last month?

      A: Per the faculty pay cycle below, your August payment is your 6th check for the prior fall semester.

      Faculty Pay Cycle





      Fall – Warrant #1


      Fall – Warrant #2


      Fall – Warrant #3


      Fall – Warrant #4


      Fall – Warrant #5


      Spring – Warrant #1


      Spring – Warrant #2


      Spring – Warrant #3


      Spring – Warrant #4


      Spring – Warrant #5


      Spring – Warrant #6


      Fall – Warrant #6

      For example, if you were teaching 8 units fall 2022, and 15 units spring 2023, your pay cycle would be as follows:

      Faculty Pay Cycle





      Fall – Warrant #1 (8 units)


      Fall – Warrant #2 (8 units)


      Fall – Warrant #3 (8 units)


      Fall – Warrant #4 (8 units)


      Fall – Warrant #5 (8 units)


      Spring – Warrant #1 (15 units)


      Spring – Warrant #2 (15 units)


      Spring – Warrant #3(15 units)


      Spring – Warrant #4 (15 units)


      Spring – Warrant #5 (15 units)


      Spring – Warrant #6 (15 units)


      Fall – Warrant #6 (8 units)

      For more information, please refer to the Faculty Pay and Benefits Calendar. If you have further questions, feel free to email for assistance.

    • August 28, 2023- HR Welcomes You to the 2023-2024 Academic Year

      Hello Toros and welcome to the new academic year!

      The office of Human Resources would like to share with you the following information to help you get off to a good start.     

      Employee ID Cards:   

      To obtain an ID card, feel free to visit the office of Human Resources Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm, located in Welch Hall 340; an HR representative will take your picture and issue your ID card. 

      Don’t have time to visit in person?  You may also complete the Request for Photo Identification Form and submit an appropriate photo to request that your ID card be mailed to you or to pick it up in person.

      Employee Parking:

      To obtain an employee parking permit, the office of Human Resources must first verify your employment status.  Please complete the Request to Issue a Parking Permit Form.  An HR representative will email you an authorization form which must be presented at the Cashier’s Office window to purchase a parking permit or to establish a payroll deduction. 

      Self-Service Options for Employees

      Through the Self-Service Portal, you will be able to:

      • Maintain your personal information, such as; addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information.
      • Review your current benefit elections.
      • View your pay checks.
      • Report and view time via Absence Management

      Why is updating my emergency contact information so important? It is helpful if you provide the University with the name of at least one individual to contact in the event of an emergency.

      For more information on how to update your personal information, please see the Self-Service for Employees Quick Reference Guide.

      Benefits Services

      Benefits open enrollment is coming soon! 

      This year, the benefits open enrollment period will be September 18 - October 13.  Mark your calendars for the:

      Open Enrollment Benefits Fair

      Thursday, September 14, 2023

      12pm to 2pm

      Sculpture Garden

      This event will give you the opportunity to discover valuable information and answer any questions concerning health plan changes for 2024, plan rates, insurance, financial resources, future retirement planning and what benefits are available to you as an employee of California State University-Dominguez Hills. During the open enrollment period employees have the opportunity to review and update their current benefits.

      New Faculty:

      To be eligible for medical, dental and vision coverage: you must be appointed at least half-time (equivalent to 7.5 Weighted Teaching Units for academic year appointments) for more than six months. If employed in a Unit 3 Lecturer or Coach Academic Year position, employee must be appointed for at least six (6) weighted teaching units for at least one semester. Employees who do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above may qualify for health care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Benefits enrollment forms will be sent to you once we confirm your eligibility.   

      Public Service Loan Forgiveness Forms (PSLF):

      If you have a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Form (PSLF) that needs to be certified, please submit your form to the Benefits Services secure Dropbox.   Due to the influx of forms, please allow 5-7 business days for the form to be returned to you.  As a reminder, these forms must not be emailed given they contain your social security number.

      Employee Assistance Program

      LifeMatters is a free employee assistance program (EAP) offered to California State University, Dominguez Hills. Eligible employees and any members of their household, including dependents living away from home, have 24-hour access to confidential services that support emotional well-being, safety, and productivity in the workplace.

      For more information, please visit the Life Matters Website, Employee Code: contact HRM at (310) 243-3771 to obtain code. You can also contact Life Matters 24/7 at 1-800-367-7474.

      Payroll Services

      If you are not already enrolled in Direct Deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit Enrollment Formand submit it to the Payroll Services Secure Dropbox.

      • To access copies of your paychecks, enroll in Cal Employee Connect (CEC):
        • The secure portal Cal Employee Connect allows state employees to view, print, and electronically save their own W2, direct-deposit earnings statements, and more. To register, you will need:
          • One of your recent paystubs, issued within the last six months. If you have any past stub statements, you can use any paper and electronic pay stub dated February 2023 current to register.
          • Visit Cal Employee Connect to complete this simple process.
          • Department: CSU, Dominguez Hills
          • Use Agency Code: 231 
          • Warrant Number: Refer to your paystub must be an 8-digit number, please include a dash after the second digit (e.g 00-00000)
          • If you are having problems or you do not have any pay stubs please contact your payroll technician and they will be able to further assist you with the information you need.
          • Total deductions: $XXX.XX (Gross Pay – Net Pay)


      View important calendar information such as payday,  payroll processing, payroll schedule, campus holidays and the academic calendar.

      Workers’ Compensation Program:

      The Workers Compensation program is available to employees and volunteers who are injured or become ill as result of performing their work assignment.  Please remember employees and volunteers must:

      • Report all work incidents directly to their department manager.
      • Contact Human Resources to:
        • Report the incident
        • Obtain information to assist with seeking appropriate benefits to help manage the effects of the work incident (such as medical treatment and time away from work).

      For more information please visit the Workers’ Compensation Program website.

      ADA Accommodations Program:

      CSU Dominguez Hills is committed to providing a supportive work environment. To ensure equal access and opportunity, CSUDH shall provide reasonable accommodations to employees and applicants with disabilities.

      For more information please visit the ADA Accommodation Services website.

      CSU Family and Medical Leave:

      The Family Medical Leave (FML) grants up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period to eligible employees. FML may be used for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of an employee’s child. It may also be used while an employee is off work because of a serious illness, or to care for a seriously ill family member. Employees seeking to use CSU FML leave are required to provide a 30-day advance notice of the need to take CSU FML leave when the need is foreseeable and such notice is practicable (unless the collective bargaining agreement states otherwise) to their Appropriate Administrator and Benefits Services.

      For more information, please visit the Leaves of Absence website.

      Career Opportunities:

      Dominguez Hills is hiring!  Please visit our Career Opportunities website to see our available job postings, feel free to share with a friend who may be interested in joining the Toro Nation.    

    • May 11, 2023 - How to View Your Compensation History

      We are pleased to announce a new feature available through the Self-Service Portal which allows you to view your compensation history for any active positions on our campus. 

      To view your compensation history:

      • Login to the MyCSUDH
      • In the Authentication page, enter your campus username and password
      • Click on Compensation History to gain access to your compensation history.
      • Click on the link for the Job Title of the position that you want to view if you have multiple active positions.
      • Use the scroll bar, if needed, to scroll through the Salary History.  See the attached Quick Reference Guide, Appendix A for a list of descriptions. 
      • Click on the Return to Select Job Title list and select a different position in your compensation history, if applicable.

      Other Self-Service Options for Employees

      Through the Self-Service Portal, you will be able to:

      • Maintain your personal information, such as; addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information.
      • Review your current benefit elections.
      • View your pay checks.

      Why is updating my emergency contact information so important? It is helpful if you provide the University with the name of at least one individual to contact in the event of an emergency.

      For more information on how to update your personal information, please see the Self-Service for Employees Quick Reference Guide.